
TitleEleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burret
Jeniang, Kedah, Malaysia.  Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burret. Arecaceae. CN: [Malay - Asam paya, Asam kelubi, Kelubi, Kelumi, Salak hutan], Asam payo, Kuwai-kuwai, Kelumbi. Eleiodoxa is a monotypic genus, dioecious, lowland forest freshwater swamp-dwelling plant, native to South East Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra) where they form large colonies. While remaining underground, the trunks of these palms are clustering and form dense thickets up to ca 6 m tall. Fruit edible but extremely sour and astringent; usually pickled before consumption and for preparing special culinary in certain cultures especially involving freshwater fish. In ethnomedicine, there are claims the Chinese use the scaly husk of the fruit as cough mixture. It has also been reputed to be an antidote for the poisoning of Antiaris. A decoction of the pounded stem is used to relieve cough and hoarseness. This plant is applied as a paste to treat orchitis and is believed capable of relieving headache.   Synonym(s): Eleiodoxa microcarpa Burret  Eleiodoxa orthoschista Burret  Eleiodoxa scortechinii (Becc.) Burret  Eleiodoxa xantholepis Burret  Salacca conferta Griff.  Salacca scortechinii Becc.  Ref. and suggested reading: FRIM Flora Database 
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photographerAhmad Fuad Morad
providerFlickr: EOL Images
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith