Raphia regalis
Small, almost stemless palm; stems when present about 1 m long, with leaves extremely long, to 20-25 m, erect on emergence and slightly arching when mature; leaflets to 180 on each side of rachis; inflorescences erect, to 3 m long; fruits variable in size and shape, 4.5-9.5 cm long and 2-4.5 cm in diameter, ovoid but more narrow towards the base, with a somewhat curved form, covered by reddish-brown scales.
This species is widely distributed from South Nigeria to Angola (Otedoh, 1982; Baker, 2008).
Raphia regalis is a tropical rainforest species apparently associated to acid soils on low hills and rocky outcrops of the Basement Complex but it is also found in more hydromorphic situations at the base of the footslopes in such situations.